Pick the Right Pathology Lab Based On These 5 Key Attributes
February 11, 2022
When it comes to choosing laboratory services, many physician practices will decide to use a new lab that will make empty promises. From the speed of their tests to the roster of services offered, many labs simply do not deliver.
In today’s competitive lab market, it’s important to select a laboratory partner with outstanding pathologists, cytotechnologists, histotechnologists, laboratory technologists and management staff that is truly dedicated to providing unparalleled specialty services.
Here are five ways to tell that you have chosen a lab that will deliver on its promises.
1. The lab center offers a 24-hour turnaround to their clients. This is the speed for most routine tests, and your practice will likely require—and deserve—test results quickly to respond to your patients as soon as possible.
2. Select a lab that utilizes cutting edge technology and remains competitive and forward thinking in your respective space.
3. Always try to use a lab that is owned and operated by a lab clinicians, not business people. Ultimately, it is the laboratory clinician who truly understand what must be done, and how it must be done, in a lab, and who have the foundational expertise in the industry. Larger references labs can often feel like a “Walmart” experience for customers…instead, choose a lab that maintains and nurtures close relationships with their physician clientele.
4. Opt for a lab that has a high medical doctor to lab clinician ratio.
5. Your lab should not add or perform lab tests that patients do not need. You want your lab to be selective when it comes to testing, and to deliver results efficiently through electronic medical records (EMR) and expeditiously through overnight testing.
With these five key ideas in mind, you’re guaranteed to select and excellent, speedy, and reliable lab that will make good on its promises.

2210 Welsch Industrial Court,
St. Louis, MO 63146, USA